[Lecture] Preview of "Global Vision Lectures" (3)
Update Time:2023-09-17 14:10:00

At the invitation of the International School of Materials Science and Engineering and the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Peter Hodgson, a fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences &Engineering, will give a lecture on Monday, September 18, 2023. Welcome students and faculty membersto the lecture!

Global Vision Lectures was initiated by the International Office of WUT, aiming at providing a high-level and multi-field international academic exchange platform for teachers and students by uniting teaching and scientific research units to hold a series of high-end academic lectures. This project is designed to promote scientific research exchanges, to broaden the international horizons of teachers and students, and to further enhance their international communication capacity. The third lecture will be held on September 18, and the activity information is as follows:

Topic: Modern Approaches to the Design of New Alloys

Lecturer: Academician Peter Hodgson

Time: Monday, September 18, 2023 (14:00-15:00), UTC+8

Venue: Conference Center 201, Mafangshan West Campus

Organizer: International School of Materials Science; Engineering (School of Materials and Microelectronics) and School of Materials Science and Engineering


Professor Peter Hodgson, member of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences &Engineering, former Vice Chancellor and senior professor of Deakin University in Australia, one of the first Alfred Deakin Honorary Professors, one of the Commonwealth of Australia Honorary Professors, Australian Laureate Fellow, owner of the Science Medal in AGH University of Science and Technology.


This presentation will cover new concepts in process and alloy development. Increased environmental and other pressures are leading to the need to develop more energy efficient production routes, processes with less wastage and products with superior performance. The development of new processes and products has opened up the demand for more rapid development of alloys with increased customization. There is also the increased utilization of advanced characterization methods as well as an increase in Al and ML. This talk will cover precipitation in thin strip direct casting of steels where SANS and APT are used to analyse the precipitation, friction stir deposition where bulk ultrafine high performance microstructures are developed during 3D printing and the use of AI to develop High Entropy Super Alloys.

Rewritten by: Zhou You

Edited by: WangJingjing, Li Tiantian

Source: International Office of WUT, International School of Materials Science; Engineering (School of Materials and Microelectronics) and School of Materials Science and Engineering