[Lecture] Preview of “Global Vision Lectures” (14)
Update Time:2023-11-30 22:38:27

Global Vision Lectures is initiated by the International Office of WUT. It aims to unite academic and research units to organize high-level academic lecture series, providing a high-quality, multidisciplinary international academic exchange platform for the university's faculty and students. This platform is designed to promote research collaboration, broaden international horizons, and further enhance the internationalization capabilities of both faculty and students. The 13th lecture will be held on Friday, December 1st. The information is as follows:

Topic: Lecture Series on Engineering Mechanics of Materials

Lecturer: Professor J.N. Reddy

Time: December 1st, 2023 10:00 -11:00, UTC+8

Chair: Yi Ziqian, Yang Xiaoyu

Zoom Meeting ID:  629 0810 0135

Password: 538927


Prof. J.N. Reddy is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering and the European Academy of Sciences, as well as a foreign member of the academies of engineering of China, India, Canada, Brazil, Spain and other countries. He is currently a board member of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University, and has published more than 800 papers and 25 monographs, with an h-index of 114. His research interests include composites and structures, applied mechanics, and computational mechanics.

Edited by:  Li Tiantian

Source: International Office of WUT, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, School of Material Sciences, International School of Materials Science and Engineering