Xiangyang Demonstration Zone of WUT opens
Update Time:2022-07-08 21:25:00

On the morning of July 5th, the opening ceremony of Xiangyang Demonstration Zone and the Hubei Longzhong Laboratorywas held in the library of Xiangyang Demonstration Zone, Xiangyang City, Hubei Province.

Zhou Qihong, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Education; Liu Zhitian, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology; Wang Taihui, mayor of Xiangyang City; Lyu Yibin, director of the Standing Committee of Xiangyang Municipal People's Congress; Huang Jin, member of the Standing Committee of Xiangyang Municipal Party Committee and Secretary general of Xiangyang Municipal Party Committee; Xin Sijin, Secretary of the Party Committee of WUT; Yang Zongkai, President of WUT; Liu Zuyuan and Wu Chaozhong, vice presidentsof WUT; Shen Gewu, assistant to the presidentof WUT; Zhang Lianmeng, Yan Xinping, and Fu Zhengyi, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and relevant experts attended the ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Chen Jian, member of the Standing Committee of Xiangyang Municipal Party Committee, director of the Publicity Department of Xiangyang Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Education Working Committee of Xiangyang Municipal Party Committee.

Under the joint witness of the leaders and guests from the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Xiangyang City and WUT, Mayor Wang Taihui handed over the "key" to the Secretary of WUTCPC Committee, Xin Sijin.

Leaders of Hubei Province, Xiangyang CIty and WUT jointly launched the the opening ceremony of Xiangyang Demonstration Zone and Hubei Longzhong Laboratory.

Wang Taihui, mayor of Xiangyang, warmly congratulated WUT on the opening of Xiangyang Demonstration Zone and Hubei Longzhong Laboratory. He hoped that the Xiangyang Demonstration Zone would speed up the construction of a national demonstration base for the integration of industry and education so as to provide talent support for the high-quality development of Xiangyang. He also hoped that Hubei Longzhong Laboratorywould strengthen technological research and development and speed up the building of a domestic first-class and internationally influential scientific and technological innovation center for new automotive materials.

President Yang Zongkai, on behalf of WUT, expressed heartfelt thanks to leaders at all levels and all sectors of society in Hubei Province and Xiangyang for their long-term care and support for the construction and development of WUT. He pointed out that WUT and Xiangyang jointly built the Xiangyang Demonstration Zone and Longzhong Laboratory, to explore and build a new mode of professional degree postgraduate training that had a leading role in the country, to explore new methods of professional degree postgraduate practical training, and explore new ways of  scientific research and technological innovation integrationamong the school, the localgovernment and enterprises. The construction of the new demonstration zone and the laboratory was a breakthrough for WUT and XiangyangCity to achieve  co-construction, sharing and win-win results in talent training, technological research, production and education integration, and resource allocation. He hoped that the demonstration zone and the laboratory would continue to improve their original innovation ability and core competitiveness, and jointly contribute to the national scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement.

On behalf of Hubei Longzhong Laboratory, Zhang Lianmeng, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, expressed heartfelt thanks to the provincial Party committee and the provincial government, Xiangyang municipal Party committee and municipal government and the University leaders for their strong support. He pointed out that it was a very strategic decision for Longzhong Laboratory to combine the disciplinary advantages of colleges and universities with the strength of local advantageous industries. He called on all co-construction units of the laboratory to take seriously the research work, make greater contributions to promoting the academic level of the laboratory, breaking through key core technologies, and the economic development of Xiangyang automobile and related industries.

Zhou Qihong, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Education, and Liu Zhitian, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, extended warm congratulations to the reform of the cultivation mode of professional degree postgraduates of WUT on the opening of Xiangyang Demonstration Zone and Hubei Longzhong Laboratory, and put forward requirements and hopes from the aspects of postgraduate cultivation in the demonstration zone and laboratory research and development.

After the ceremony, the participating leaders and guests visited the Demonstration Zone and Hubei Longzhong Laboratory.

Written by: Dong Nengdan

Reviewed by: Dai Fuxiang

Rewritten by: Zhao Yue

Edited by:Li Tiantian

Source:Xiangyang Demonstration Zone Management Committee