The online signing ceremony for the memorandum of understanding on intercollegiate cooperation between WUT and Benha University in Egypt is held
Update Time:2023-04-21 16:43:58

On April 16th, WUT held the online signing ceremony for the memorandum of understanding on intercollegiate cooperation with Benha University in Egypt. President Yang Zongkai and President Gamal Sosa of Benha University in Egypt signed the memorandum of cooperation on behalf of the two universities, which was witnessed by Egyptian Minister of Higher Education and Research, Ayman Ashour, Minister Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Egypt, Lu Chunsheng, and Director of the Foreign Cooperation and Exchange Department of Hubei Provincial Department of Education, Huang Nianping, and other guests at home and abroad. Vice President Luo Rong and Academic Director Hazem Elewa of the Oubul Campus of Benha University in Egypt jointly presided over the signing ceremony.

Ayman Ashour stated in his speech that Egypt and China are both ancient civilizations in the world. Since the establishment of diplomatic relationsbetween the two countries in 1956, practical cooperation in various fields has continued to deepen and strengthen. Egypt actively supports China's "the Belt and Road" initiative, and the educational and cultural exchanges between the two countries are deepening. It is hoped that the two universities will take this signing as an opportunity to assist the pragmatic development of education between Egypt and China. The Ministry of Higher Education and Research of Egypt will fully support the two universities to implement relevant cooperation projects.

Lu Chunsheng stated that under the warm care of the heads of China and Egypt, the cooperation in science and education between the two countries has achieved leapfrog development,a certain scaleof exchanging students for learning has formedand cooperation between Chinaand Egypthas become an important support force for regional peace and stable development. He emphasized the hope that the two universities will continue to expand practical education cooperation and make positive contributions to the promotion of higher education exchanges between the two countries and building a community with a shared future between China ad Egypt.

Gamal Sosastated that as a member of the Executive Committee of the University Alliance of the Silk Road(UASR), Benha University has always attached great importance to cooperation with Chinese universities and has become one of the Egyptian universities with the closest exchanges with Chinese universities. The cooperation between Benha University and Wuhan University of Technology is very strong and can be regarded as one of the exemplary cooperation between the university and Chinese universities. The signing of a memorandum of cooperation between Benha University and Wuhan University of Technology is of great significance and will lay a solid foundation for further cooperation in relatd fields.

Yang Zongkai pointed out that since the establishment of cooperation between Wuhan University of Technology and Benha University in Egypt in 2018, we have continuously strengthened mutual trust and understanding through mutual visits and exchanges, and jointly implemented a series of educational cooperation projects. Thisrenewal of the memorandum of cooperation between the two sides is a positive response to the need to strengthen the education cooperation between Chinaand Egyptin the context of the post-pandemic era, and also a practical measure for the university to continue to deepen its cooperation with universities in countries along the "the Belt and Road".WUT is closely following the development of the era and actively promoting the transformation of digital education. To meet the needs of society, WUT added emerging advantageous majors such as computer science, information and control, fine arts, and economics and management to cultivate versatile talents. President Yang also expects excellent students and scholars from Benha University in Egypt to come to WUT for exchange an learning.

Written by:Wang Yanbing Qiao Jiang

Rewritten y:Li Huiui

Edited by: Li Tiantian,Chao Yijia

Source:Interatioal Office