New semester: embarking on a new journey
Update Time:2023-09-06 14:10:00

On September 4th, students of WUT had their first school day of the 2023 fall semester. At the beginning of the new semester, the campus was filled with youthful and vibrant scenes. Teachers and students embarked on a new journey with enthusiasm and vigor.

Teachers and students entered the campus through the campus access control system in an orderly manner, bringing the tranquil campus with its usual vigor and vitality. Being engaged in their learning and teaching tasks, teachers and students could be easily found in the teaching buildings, libraries, and laboratories.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the first lessons of the new semester started in 181 theoretical teaching classrooms with the ringing of the school bell. The teachers' lectures were attractive, and the students were attentive and interactive, and all of these contributed to the orderly organized and lively classes.

"How was your vacation?" "Have you set your study goals for the new semester?" Xin Sijin, the Secretary of the Party Committee of the University, Zhao Jing and Meng Fangbing, the Deputy Secretaries of the Party Committee of the University, and Liu Chunjiang, Vice President of WUT, visited different classrooms to get the overall picture of the teaching and service guarantees of the first day of the semester, as well as to have friendly exchanges with teachers and students.

Fan Junjie, a student from Class 2101 of New Energy in the School of Materials Science and Engineering, said, “During the summer vacation, I had a fulfilling experience by participating in research studies with my mentor and attending a short-term exchange program at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. In the new semester, I want to remind myself that if you have a dream, be brave to pursue it. Being practical and working hard, you will definitely reap rewards! Keep up the good work!’’

Wang Shijiao, a student from Class 2202 of Mining in the School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, said, "During the vacation, I participated in a social practice activity in Suizhou with more than 40 classmates from our school. It was very meaningful. After returning to the campus, the strong academic atmosphere in the laboratory, the teaching building, and the library deeply inspired me. In the new semester, I hope to participate in clubs and volunteer activities while studying hard."

"Newly paved asphalt roads, renovated main buildings, lotus flowers in the Shuiyun lake... Returning to the familiar campus, I feel a strong sense of belonging. I believe that as long as there is a path under my feet and light in my heart, I can write my own chapter of college life in WUT!" said Kong Yawan, a student from Class 2203 of the Naval Architecture and Ocean in the School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Energy Power Engineering.

During the summer vacation, all departments of WUT firmly grasped the opportunity of development, regarding it as the “golden time” to be well-prepared for the new semester. The Informatization Office focused on digital transformation as well as key tasks and sorted out the task list in all respects where 175 tasks during the vacation had been clarified. Additionally, 8 summer work seminars were held. The working quality and efficiency were improved by data-driven system, and the transformation and upgrading of IT-based work were steadily promoted; The Network Center upgraded the network of classrooms and dormitories to provide a smooth network experience for students and faculty; the Office of Student Affairs, the Youth League Committee, the Department of Postgraduates work of Committee, the Security Office, the Network Center, and the School of International Education expanded the one-stop service platforms such as Intelligent Academic System, Student Profile and Comprehensive Ability Evaluation System, “Second Class Report Card” system and Orientation System to serve students and faculty efficiently and conveniently; the Office of the CPC WUT Committee and Administration together with the Youth League Committee and the Office of Student Affairs collaborated to promote the renovation and upgrading of the access control system of the campus, especially student dormitories to further enhance the sense of security of students and faculty; Yujiatou Campus Management Committee and the Office of Logistics Management conducted maintenance and upgrades of the campus infrastructure, replanted and maintained the campus afforestation, ensuring the hydroelectric energy security and serving all the students and faculty; the Zhiyuan Restaurant on the South Lake Campus built by the Logistics Group in coordination with relative departments began to provide dining services to teachers and students on September 1st. The Huiyuan Restaurant and the educational supermarket in Yujiatou Campus would be soon to be unveiled to furnish teachers and students with a more convenient and better service experience.

Before the start of the new semester, WUT had carried out an on-site inspection of teaching facilities, students’ living facilities, laboratories, and safe work sites to ensure the smooth progress of all work in the fall semester of 2023.

In the coming days, we will embrace a brand new semester, set new goals, and embark on a new journey. May all the students and faculty live up to their mission of the times, to the prime of their lives, and advance toward building a world-class university with distinctive characteristics.

Written by: Xie Xiaoqin, Zhang Kemeng

Rewritten by: Gong Mengting, Fan Yiwen

Edited by: Wang Jingjing, Li Tiantian

Source: Publicity Department of the CPC WUT Committee