WUT held the Special Session of the Overseas Program of the 8th International Forum for Young Scholars
Update Time:2024-01-18 09:32:49

On the morning of Jan 14th, the Special Session of the Overseas Program of the 8th International Forum for Young Scholars was held in WUT. The opening ceremony was attended by Meng Fangbing, the Deputy Secretary of the Party committee of WUT, who delivered a speech. More than 700 young scholars from domestic and abroad attended the forum online or offline.

Meng introduced some basic information about WUT’s circumstances in the respects of Developing First-Class Disciplines, Building Excellent Talent Team as well as Science & Technology Innovation and Social Serviceand explained the provision and protection for the young scholars and talents to break and undertake, known as Beneficial Policies, Comfortable Environment, Remarkable Innovation, Reliable Platform and Secure Status in the name of WUT. He also offered the sincere invitation to young scholars all around the world to learn about WUT, work together with WUT and root in WUT for the sake of realizing their dreams and breaking new ground hand in hand.

Director the Personnel Department of WUT illustrated existing talent introduction policies as so-called “Fourteen Measures” for talent-related affairs, the Interdisciplinary Innovation Center, the “Sailing Plan” for young talents, showing the powerful developing platform and leading talent policies of WUT.

Prof. Wu Bin of School of Civil Engineering & Architecture, researcher Luo Guoqiang of State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis & Processing as well as researcher Wu Bing, who served in Intelligent Transportation System Research Center, State Key Laboratory of Maritime Technology & Safety and National Engineering Research Center for Water Transport Safety, respectively had the detailed introduction to the disciplinary building, talent team and scientific achievements of relevant institutions.

Three national-level talents, Prof.Huang Wenchao ofthe School of Materials Science and Engineering, Prof.Yuan Chengqing ofthe School of Transportation and Logistics Engineering, and Prof.Zhao Yunliang ofthe School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, shared the reason they choseWUT, the way they becametalents ofthe University, and the method theycreated their excellentlives, drawing from their own experiences.

The young scholars in attendance raised questions through on-site Q&Asession and online interactions, and officialsof the Personnel Department provided detailed answers to the relevantquestions.

On the afternoon of Jan 14th, various relevant educational & research institutions organized diverse sub-forums.

Young scholars were showed around Smart Physical-Fitness Test Center, Learning Institute for Future Excellence, Roaming Center of the Library of WUT, Intelligent Operations Center, the History Museum and other related teaching and research units.

The InternationalForumfor Young Scholars is aimedatattractingyoung scholars from both domestic and abroadto come to WUTfor breakthroughand entrepreneurship, and collaborate on the high-quality development of WUT. It has been held for seven sessions and has brought in a significant number of young scholars to WUT, establishing itself as an important platform for the University to recruit talented individuals. The Main Forum of the 8th International Forum for Young Scholars will be held in March of this year.

Written by: Yan Xiangxing, Guo Zhengang

Rewritten by: Lin Qiaochu, Peng Zhiming

Edited by: Yu Mengmei, Li Tiantian

Source: Personnel Department of WUT